for the participants of the 2022 West Coast Rumble, these six scenarios
are designed for minimum set up time, resulting in maximum playing time.
Q26 – Encounter at Le Valtru,
16 June 1944:
The 2.SS-Panzerdivision Das
Reich was forced to delay its counterattack on the British
penetration west of Caen in order to deal with the British 49th
Division’s advance south from Rauray. This delay allowed the 9th
Cameronians to occupy Grainville and the 7th Seaforth Highlanders to
advance to the hamlet of le Valtru in effort to secure the right flank
of the now named “Scottish Corridor”. Before the Seaforths could reach
le Valtru, they were hit by Kampfgrüppe
Weidinger of
2.SS-Panzerdivision Das Reich.
Game Length:
5½ Turns, Board: p, Estimated Playing Time:
3 hours 21 minutes
British Forces: 10x Squads, 2x Leaders, 2x LMG, 2x
PIAT, 2x 2" Mortar, & 3x Churchill VII heavy tanks
German Forces: 7x Squads, 3x Leaders, 2x LMG, &, 2x
Pz VG medium tanks
Q26 –
Holzthum Hold Out,
16 December 1944:
For the opening phase of
Unternehmen Herbstnebel
(Operation Autumn Mist),
Oberst Heinz Kokott’s
had one of the toughest tasks in that it had to clear the roads west of
Our River for the panzers
of the 2. and the
116.Panzer Divisionen. Crossing the Our in rubber boats at
03:00 hours and infiltrating their way past the American outposts,
Oberstleutnant Kaufmann’s
Füsilier Regiment 39 had reached Holzthum at 06:00 hours
before anyone in the US 28th Infantry Division sector was even aware an
attack was in progress.
Game Length:
5½ Turns, Board: 12, Estimated Playing Time: 2 hours
28 minutes
American Forces: 6x Squads, 2x Leaders, 2x MMG, 2x
60mm Mortars, Bazooka, & Foxholes.
German Forces: 12x Squads, 3x Leaders, & 3x LMG.
Q27 –
Stand at Sterlin's Castle, 8
December 1943:
By 0600 hours, the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade had crossed the
Moro River and established a bridgehead; supported by engineers and
armour, the Canadians then launched attacks on San Leonardo. The Germans
retreated and San Leonardo was at last secured, but counterattacks
directed at the fragile bridgehead held by the hard-pressed Canadians
were the order of the day.
Game Length:
5½ Turns, Board: 9,
Estimated Playing
Time: 2 hours 4 minutes
British Forces: 4x Squads, 2x Leaders, LMG, & 2" Mortar.
Germans Forces: 7x Squads, 3x Leaders, LMG & 2x MMG.
– Going in Light, 9 June 1944: The immediate objective for the
newly landed US 2nd Infantry Division was the village of Trévières,
located just south of the Aure River. The plan of attack was for the
38th Infantry Regiment to strike directly at Trévières from the north
and west, while the 9th Infantry Regiment would outflank Trévières by
seizing Rubercy to the southeast - thus isolating the German position.
It was no accident the Germans had chosen the tiny farm of Haute Hameau
to make a stand against the approaching 9th Infantry. The old Norman
farm with its stone wall courtyard formed an ideal defensive position,
commanding the neighbouring country lanes running south in the direction
of Rubercy.
Game Length:
5½ Turns, Board: 43,
Estimated Playing Time: 2 hours 48 minutes
German Forces:
7x Squads, 2x Leaders, LMG, HMG, & 8cm Mortar
American Forces: 10½
x Squads, 3x Leaders, 2x MMG, 3x HMG, & 3x Bazookas
Q29 – Como Ridge, 22 July 1945:
In late 1944, the Australian Army had assumed responsibility for Allied
operations on Bougainville, replacing US troops who were subsequently
redeployed to the Philippines. Following the failed landing by the
Australians at Porton Plantation, the commander of the Australian II
Corps, Lieutenant-General Stanley Savige, decided to focus the main
effort of the Australian campaign upon driving south towards the
Japanese garrison at Buin, where the bulk of the Japanese forces were
holding out.
Game Length:
Board: 36, Estimated Playing Time: 3 hours 7 minutes
Japanese Forces: 5x Squads, 4x Crews, 2x Leaders,
LMG, 2x HMG, 50mm Mortar, 75mm Infantry Gun, Wire, Trenches, & Pillboxes
Australian Forces: 13½
x Squads, 3x Leaders, 3x LMG, 2x MMG, 3x PIAT, 3x 2" Mortars, & 2x
Matilda II heavy tanks.
– The Tombe
Diversion, 1 July 1943:
The initial plan for the capture of Viru Harbour called for a
diversionary attack by Lieutenant Brown’s platoon on the small village
of Tombe located on the east side of the harbour while the main body,
under Lieutenant-Colonel Currin, would then attack the village of
Tetemara on the west side of the harbour.
Game Length:
5½ Turns, Board: o,
Estimated Playing Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Japanese Forces:
5x Squads, Crew, 2x Leaders, LMG, HMG, 50mm
Mortar, Panjis, Foxholes, & Pillbox.
American Forces: 8x
Squads, 3x Leaders, & 2x HMG.