Designed for the participants of the
2018 West Coast Rumble, these six scenarios are designed for minimum set
up time, resulting in maximum playing time.
Q1 –
Simple Mission:
Bavinchove, France, 27 May 1940, Germans v. British,
Estimated Playing Time 2 hours 2 minutes
Q2 –
Baron's Counterattack:
Carentan, France, 10 June 1944, Germans v.
Americans, Estimated Playting Time 2 hours 22 minutes
Q3 –
Bloody Disaster: Sant'
Angelo, Italy, 22 January 1944,
Germans v. Americans, Estimated Playing Time 2 hours 9 minutes
– Seize the Moment:
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 19 August 1942,
Japanese v.
US Marines,
Estimated Playing Time 1 hours 40 minutes
Q5 – Drive to Ioannia:
Kalpaki, Greece, 1 November 1940,
Italians v.
Greeks, Estimated Playing Time 3 hours 25 minutes
– Per L'Onore di Roma: Yasna
Russia, 12 August 1941,
Italians v.
Russians, Estimated Playing Time 3 hours 42 minutes
Map Boards Required:
9, 44, 64, 70, 71, & 75